Tangshan Memorial Park and Museum

Tangshan Memorial Park and Museum, Tangshan, China
OCEAN D: Tom Verebes, Gao Yan, Marie-Laure Cazes
Building Area: 50,000m2
Budget: $20m USD
Organisers: The Architectural society of China (ASC)
International Design Competition
# submissions: 280 entries from worldwide
Winners: 1st Prize (YUAN Ye, LI Jiu-tai ); 2nd Prize (CL Lim Studio, London)
Position: no prize; project exhibited and published
Jury: SONG, Chun Hua (Chair), Michael Broshar, Mattias Nordstrom, CUI Kai, LV Zhou, LIU Jia Kun, SHEN Jin.


  • DRLTENPOINTZERO, Architectural Association, February-March, 2008


  • Verebes, T., (2008). AADRL Documents 2: DRL TEN, A Design Research Compendium. (Obuchi, Y., Schumacher, P., Spyropoulos, T., Verebes, T., Eds.). London: AA Publications.


This proposal for the Masterplan distributes a multiplicity of graphic spatial systems, derived from transformations of traditionnal Chinese patterns, forming arrays of surface bands, point clouds and spiraling fractal lines. The systems deploy soft landscaping, hard landscaping, pedestrian and service routes, and facilities across the site. Each spatial system is operated upon with forces simulating earthquake forces and effects on the ground. The result is a space, achieving an urban density to the park, with a coherent yet diverse spatial organization, and a central area which serves as a monument to the Earthquake, and also locating the Museum building. The ruins are encircled with a pedestrian route, enabling people to look at the ruins in a safe yet proximate vantage.


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May 12, 2014